by Marie-luise

 A rainy day in the forest there was once a twisty fat tree.
Green muse crawling up the thick bark of the wonder tree. I set off towards the
tree over the creepy bridge hanging over the swirling swamp, onto the snowy
white stone path to the two yellow old front doors. There were two long vines of
ivie clinging to the door. I slowly bent down to the small door and knocked
twice then I knocked on the big door but nobody answered so I slowly turn the
notch and walked inside. It seemed like nobody had been in hear for ages and
ages so I started walking around the room. I felt cold dust swirling around my
face making me sneeze. I started wondering what it would be like to live in this
wonder tree. I came up with a conclusion I would start cleaning up the tree and
make sure nobody will ever see me again. One day when I walked outside and went
to go get fire wood and walked back the house was gone. That’s all I can

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